
Arthroscopic Surgery Specialist

Arthroscopic Surgery Specialist services offered in Daly City, Menlo Park and Los Gatos, CA

Arthroscopic Surgery

When it comes to surgery of any kind, the two words you want to hear are “minimally invasive,” which is exactly what arthroscopic surgery is. Using specialized equipment and cameras, the orthopedic surgeons at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates (POA) are able to visualize, diagnose, and correct problems in your joints without resorting to open surgery. If you’re in Daly City, California, and you’d like to explore your options in arthroscopic surgery, call or request a consultation using the online booking tool.

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text: 650-756-5630

Arthroscopic Surgery Q & A

What is arthroscopic surgery?

Arthroscopic surgery is one of the most important tools for evaluating and treating any number of joint conditions, without the need for open surgery. Using this technique, the surgeons at Peninsula Orthopedic Associates are able to take a closer look inside your joint in order to spot any problems and quickly correct them, all through only a few small incisions.

First, your doctor makes a tiny incision to insert a small instrument equipped with a camera, which allows them a real-time, 3D view of your joint, which they can see on a video monitor. While advanced diagnostic imaging goes a long way toward identifying problems in your joints, arthroscopy allows your surgeon a magnified view of the area that imaging can’t provide.

From there, your surgeon may make another incision through which they thread specialized instruments to repair, rebuild, or replace your joint. These instruments translate the movements of your doctors’ hands, allowing them to perform these procedures with precision and accuracy.

What are the advantages of arthroscopic surgery?

There are many advantages to using arthroscopy over open surgery to evaluate and fix your joints, including:

  • Smaller incisions (less scarring)
  • Less risk of infection
  • Reduced tissue damage
  • Faster recovery
  • Less blood loss

It would be no exaggeration to say that arthroscopy has dramatically improved joint repair, allowing you to get back to your active life with minimal interruption.

What can arthroscopic surgery be used for?

The orthopedic surgeons at POA turn to arthroscopic surgery for a number of procedures, including, but not limited to:

  • Advanced diagnostics
  • Repairing torn cartilage, ligaments, and tendons
  • Reconstructing soft connective tissue
  • Removing loose bone or cartilage
  • Releasing tendons

More often than not, the surgeons use arthroscopy on your:

  • Knees
  • Shoulders
  • Elbows
  • Ankles
  • Hips
  • Wrists

From meniscus and rotator cuff tears to carpal tunnel release and anterior cruciate ligament injuries, arthroscopic surgery plays a key role in helping you regain movement in problematic joints.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can benefit from arthroscopic surgery, call Peninsula Orthopedic Associates, or fill out the online form to request an appointment.