
Knee Arthritis

Orthopedists & Sports Medicine located in Daly City, Menlo Park and Los Gatos, CA

Arthritis of the knee comes in two major forms: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common, and it is a degenerative disease that affects the cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis, which also affects the cartilage, is characterized by swollen, inflamed joints. Below is a table outlining the differences between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is important to note, however, that overlap between the two does exist.


For treatment, ice is used to reduce the swelling and inflammation. You should stop doing the activities that brought on the pain. Non-steroidal pain medications, a knee brace, and rehabilitation programs are also often beneficial.

In terms of prevention, stretching before workouts, eliminating painful excercises from your routine, and using proper equipment are usually recommended by your doctor.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Pain and stiffness often better with use (symptoms worse beginning of the day)
Younger age of onset
Inflammation and swelling is apparent
Often symmetrical

To treat arthritis, lifestyle modifications such as losing weight, changing your sport from high-impact sports like running to cycling and swimming, exercise, braces, and other supportive devices, anti-inflammatory medications, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate (which help alleviate osteoarthritic pain), among other medications.

For severe arthritis that does not respond to the above therapies, surgery may be indicated. At this point, the knee cartilage is often very worn and damaged. Surgical treatments differ depending on each case. Options include:

Arthroscopic surgery — repairs tore cartilage and cleans up the joint.Knee arthroplasty — after the joint is cleaned, metal and plastic parts are used to partially or completely rebuild the knee.

Osteotomy — a bone or bones in the leg are trimmed to improve alignment of the knee.Cartilage graft — a relatively new procedure, it involves replacing the damaged cartilage with new cartilage.